Have not writing the blog....but I thought I have to write this down to remind myself. I've been worried about myself lately....not so much about my health but about my IMAN. Usually, I would be so motivated to read the Qura'an and the Zikir every morning and evening. But now, (for the last three weeks) I began to feel "lazy" and complacent. I also felt really angry with myself for not getting up at night to pray Tahajud and Taubah although there are times when I'm awaken by GOD. I have been allowing Syaitan to creep into my mind. I must FIGHT it.
Then when I went to Ustaz's class, I heard him said, Orang yang berakal akan menggunakan masa dalam tiga bahagian:
1. Bermunajat pada Allah SWT
2. Muhasabah diri
3. Berseronok dengan kelazatan dunia jika tidak bertentangan dengan agama.
I told myself, I must start my momentum in accumulating knowledge and applying it sebagai aktiviti "bermunajat pada Allah". Never miss my prayers, read Al quraan and Zikir, doa and fast and pay zakat, bersedekah. Read books that helps in strengthening IMAN, attend classes and lectures, listen to CDs, videos that gives ILMU I need. Teach and tell others about I learn.
There are so many things that need to be done for the preparation to get enhance our lives in this world and to prepare for Akhirat so we will put in Al Jannah and escape the sufferings in the grave and hell.
I also need to improve my Sirraturahim with my family and all ummah. I was reflecting the times when both my parents were alive. Although I love them so much but I did not do much for them. Now I have to DOA for them. Allah, love them as they loved me and always put them among all TAKWA people. Amin.
My kids are now my main concern. I always remind them to pray.....but the peer pressure is so strong. Maybe, this is a test for me for not teaching from the very beginning. May Allah open their hearts, give them HIDAYAH and protect them from all evils. I love them so much.......
I have to be a ggod wife to my husband. Syurga di bawah tapak kaki ibu dan suami. My husband, Azam is a good husband who always gives me the best. May Allah bless and guide him always.
Ya ALLAH, perbaikilah agama kami yang menjadi pelindung segala urusan kami, dan perbaikilah dunia kami yang padanya tempat kami menjalani kehidupan kami, dan perbaikilah akhirat kami yang kepadanya tempat kami akan kembali, dan jadikan hidup kami sebagai pertambahan kebaikan bagi kami, dan jadikanlah mati kami sebagai pelepasan bagi kami dari segala kejahatan. Amin Ya Rabbal alamin.